Friday, July 25, 2008

ACTA? No, Thanks, I Like My Freedom

The "Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement", or ACTA for short, is "a proposed plurilateral trade agreement that would impose strict enforcement of intellectual property rights related to Internet activity and trade in information-based goods." (according to the Wikipedia article).The problem with it (actually, it is just plain wrong, but this is the biggest problem) is that this is an invitation-only club. This means it's being discussed secretly by the G8 and by a few big companies - precisely the ones more interested in implementing the most strictest of regulations. So what does this means? This means they can pretty much push whatever stupid laws they feel like pushing, without consulting the more directly affected: the ones paying for the services. But why should you believe me? Our friend Glyn Moody from across the Atlantic has a better analysis than I could ever give you.

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