Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Placing Your Secrets Online? Don't Cry Later...

Gary McKinnon is a British hacker accused of hacking into 97 NASA and military computers in 2001 and 2002. He was caught in 2002 and, following a extensive legal battle, was chosen for extradition today (The USA government requested his extradition sometime in 2005). But what hit me as interesting is not the fact that a hacker will be extradited, neither is the fact that his is considered the "biggest military computer hack of all time" by the USA government. No, what hit me as interesting is that the USA government is STUPID. That's right, stupid. I mean, they go and place their secrets -their most important secrets- on a computer and then go and plug it to the intertubes. Now, I'm no computer security expert (yet), but even I know that whatever you put in the intertubes is not considered safe anymore, despite all the effort you place in securing it. If they don't want their secrets stolen, then don't give network access to the computer they are stored in, simple as that.

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